Hacktoberfest 2023 - Get a Free JavaScript Today Sticker

We wrote about Hacktoberfest last year. It was one of the first articles we wrote that actually brought in a few readers (now there are thousands of you. We appreciate you immensely). It’s amazing how much can change within a year. Likewise, it’s the 10th year celebration of Hacktoberfest! Time sure does fly.

Okay, enough rambling, let’s get on with the article. (Thank you for reading, by the way!)

No more free t-shirts

This is probably why you’re reading this article. We know. Sad. We’ve all looked forward to getting a free t-shirt through the participation of Hacktoberfest. Although, as stated on the Hacktoberfest website, it’s just logistically challenging to ship thousands of t-shirts around the world, for free. It’s quite absurd to even imagine how much money the people behind Hacktoberfest were spending to provide such an awesome reward.

Fret not, open-source is still fun and rewarding, regardless of whether or not you get an actual reward (although we do have some exciting news down below).

Get a free JavaScript Today sticker

While contributing to open-source is a worthwhile pursuit of it’s own, getting goodies is always fun. This year, we’re going to be setting up a repository for newcomers to contribute to. The first 50 people to submit a pull request will receive a free JavaScript Today sticker. We do request that you be a first-time contributor.

JavaScript Today Sticker

JavaScript Today Sticker

Want to be one of the first 50 people to submit a pull request to get the sticker? Sign up to our mailing list, and follow our socials to be the first to know when we’ve created a public repository on GitHub. We will also update this article with a guide to teach you how to submit a pull request on our repository. We look forward to seeing you around.

Happy Hacking!


Will there be a free Hacktoberfest t-shirt this year?

No, unfortunately there won’t be free t-shirts this year. However, we’ll be giving away free stickers, and there are other companies who give goodies as well!

What is Hacktoberfest?

Hacktoberfest is organized by DigitalOcean in partnership with GitHub and other sponsors.

How can I participate in Hacktoberfest?

To participate, you need to sign up on the Hacktoberfest website, then make four valid pull requests (PRs) on GitHub repositories during the month of October.

What qualifies as a valid pull request for Hacktoberfest?

Valid pull requests must be made to public repositories, have a meaningful contribution (not just minor changes like fixing a typo), and be approved or merged by the repository maintainers.

Can I contribute to any open-source project for Hacktoberfest?

Yes, you can contribute to any public open-source project hosted on GitHub. It doesn’t have to be affiliated with Hacktoberfest or DigitalOcean.

Do I need to be an experienced coder to participate?

No, Hacktoberfest is open to developers of all skill levels. You can contribute code, documentation, design, or other valuable contributions.

Can I work on my own projects for Hacktoberfest?

While you can work on your own open-source projects, Hacktoberfest encourages collaboration and contribution to other projects within the open-source community.

Can I participate in Hacktoberfest if I don’t have a GitHub account?

You will need a GitHub account to participate, as contributions are made through GitHub pull requests.

Is Hacktoberfest only for software development?

No, Hacktoberfest is open to all kinds of contributions, including code, documentation, design, and more.

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